FAO eezelad and Joe FFS! Banter is one thing but yous two are arguin and diggin at each other on every thread!!!! if one of you posts the other is slating him on that thread immediately. If one of you said u liked chocolate ice cream the other would probably say something along the lines of "a dickhead like u would like chocolate ice cream!!" We all know u dislike each other, u both know the other dislikes u, just either fight, shag or shut the fuck up!!!!! Thank u. (Rant over)
Joe - so close to his roots. copycat copy cat sitting on the doormat - sig. lol. u make me smile Joe.
understand, however its kinda gettin on me tits when u'z take ova every thread by rippin each other to shreads. just :chill:
I wont I think your: a cunt a racist a joke and a charva. I'm not here to please others, Ness may not like me poking fun @ the Nazi, but I will continue to do so till I'm barred. Jews and Facists don't mix