neon cups Does everybody remember those neon coloured cups that we used to have in promise, i loved them, fair enough at the end of the night the dancefloor was fucking covered with shards of coloured plastic. But they at least held your double vodka and shark ( or red bull as it was ). these new clear cups are too small, you move slightly and you spill your drink. never mind when charvas bump into ya whilst making shapes in the air. i miss the old cups rant over
Yeah but when you stand on a glass you slip and go A over T. At least plastic breaks so ya dont make a fool of yrself
fucking went over on my ankle on a glass last week, foot is still sore, why can't peeps put it on the side instead of dropping them.
Yeah but the other 8/900 people there don't, there's always glasses and bottles all over the dancefloor
Im with Johnty. The old ones were much better. They were a bit thicker too. These new ones are so thin, you accidently squeeze them, and spill your lovely vodka.
i liked old ones like i gotta admit!!! am sure u got more in em too? best of all tho - HOW class did they look under the uv lights? lol.
i have a habit of picking up bottles and putting them in safe places...(bar/speakers) it annoys me immensly when ur dancing with a charva juming around on one side and bottle rolling around on the other.