Poof's sport ok, has anyone else noticed the new England, France and south african rugby tops from nike. Is it just me or do they not look a little too tight, don't get me wrong i recon they are a good idea ( less for a wing forward to hold onto ), they do look stylish, but just a little too tight for rugby, can you imagine your average 18 stone tighthead prop fitting into one of those?
and who has a problem with italians in tight revealing clothing? all sport tops shud look like this....plus female supporters look better in them aswell
the tops are fuckin nice just wudnt suit rite fat fuckers thats all . there bloody expensive an all £75.00 and there gettin rid of em after they win the world cup! still think a might get one...
they win the world cup, lol don't make me laugh, do you honestly think England ( i'm presuming you mean England ) will win? NO CHANCE
Best team in the world mate joint favs to win unbeaten by southern hempmisfere teams in 2 years ..... best player in the world ( Johnny the king wilkinson).... and ive put 50 squid down so they better win iot .... anyway why dnt you want them to win... oh hang on your a haggis rnt you hahahaha laugh at the ammount of things you won