Dole Cheats What does everyone think about unemployed people who make no effort to get a job, but just pick up their money every week? Ive gotta say ive no objection to paying taxes. They are neccessary to make the country go round, provide services etc. But i dont like supporting people who just do sod all and cheat the system. If they are genuinely looking then i have no problem. Any views?
They only get £40 a week dont they? If they want to live a life like that so what? Let them get on with it. Its people who WORK & CLAIM that is the problem.
I was on the dole for 5months prior to getting my latest job and it sucked. The Job Centre are part of the problem, they automatically think your a lost cause and therefore try to give you any old job. Ok so I could have took a factory job but to be honest I just wanted to wait for a better option. U go in to sign on and they couldnt care less, sometimes they didnt even offer to do a job search.
Workers and claimers are the ones who are cheating the system. Most of the w&c's will only earn £200 a week doing fiddle work. They are also the type of people that will not go to college to pick up a trade. So if they want to run the risk of getting caught, fined and made to work and pay full rent etc after getting caught, well let them get on with it. We have a competant enough system that will actually beat most of these cheats anyway !
im un employed but not on the dole or anything like that, id rather not be on that i see it as chirty and dont "do charity" well id give to chairty but wudnt like to recieve from it, im ust lucky enough to have enough money to last me a month or so that ive saved up from previous job untill i get a new one which i should have by then, but yeah it does do my head in wen people dont look for a job and just sit on the dole!
Spot on!! Cant have a v good life on £40/week like! Granted - shud still make effort (IF CAPABLE) to get a job... Ppl working and also claiming, aye, thats where the majority of the problems lie......
These4 people are muppets ... they are the scum of the earth that bread more scum and simply laze their way thru life ... if you can live on 40quisd a week your doing well but most of them are fiddling the system! fact is there is somthing in place to stop them but your never gonna stamp it out copmpleteley until more jobs are made available and the av wage goes up !
its never gonna stop cos there are dossers all over the country who end up leaving school with no qualifications, then realising later on in life that they actually need them. derrrr silly them. so they get a lass a nice council house have a few kids and go to work on the sly. that is one of the main problems. I dont know how many people are up to it in Alnwick but I know I cant count on hands and toes the amount !
A really close friend of mine has been on the dole for years now. She makes no effort to get a job, she was gutted wen her son went to live with his dad cos she lost her benefit. And all she does is winge that she is bored and has no money. It does my dam head in. :evil:
De ja vu, send her to Alnwick to meet lots like herself. Maybe make some friends and they can sit around the coffee table and talk about people all day long and what type of people they are ! Whilst smoking a 40 cheap tabs per day and whinging about the cash flow probs ! silly people.
I hated being on the dole. Was only there a few weeks, I find it embarrassing to go into the job centre.
I'd rather not take it, reason being I did once and going to the job centre once a fortnight to talk to someone who is, more than likely, less intelligent than yourself, talks to you as if your 15 and tries to get you to go for a job in the fields picking or factory work or something as equally stimulating. Its a lot less hassle finding one yourself and if youve been sensible you will have saved some to make you last the month or two ahead !
tell me about it, the jobcentre in Alnwick, caters for people from Alnwick, Alnmouth, Warkworth, Amble, Hadston and REd row and also teh surrounding areas. Its full of nice people all day long.
thats exactly wat i did, n if i feel myself short of cash theres always mcdonalds lol j/k nahh my mates sorting me out with a job at the place where he works just doing simple ofice work while i find myself a new career