Juski's new sig!! PMSL I havent been on much since last week and Ive been trying to catch up with what Ive been missing. Someone might have already pointed this out but Jus, I love your new sig. My lass makes Garlands!! That is quality No offence Allie or Amy but I bet yous can see the funny side too
I can just imagine my future sis in law sitting at home with a load of stuff making garlands. Maybe she's doing it for the decoration for her wedding reception
Having been to Garlands more than once and survived I count myself lucky, not to mention the absynth/G*b cocktail at the first one Garlands never made me do it, I just had no clue what I was doing
Garlands re-union in November - i shall be there with a few more in Liverpool Allie will you be there with Amy seen as she was playing the back room ??
So your putting a bus onto Garlands ALLIE? Class, I need at least 2 seats. Can stay & go to the G-Bar afterwards? When do you need the money?