New Monkey Went to Sunderland on Saturday night. Went to Liquid, which was shite, so got totally pissed. Then I had the great drunken idea of going to The New Monkey (never been before). Me and a mate turned up at 2 am. Was quite surprised I didn't get any trouble as I stood out a bit. Never seen so many stripey jumpers in my life! Mate got asked the time, showed the lad his watch, but the thick charv couldn't read a normal clockface so my mate had to tell him. The chill out room was something to behold. Just one huge cloudy haze of tak!:chill:
Re: New Monkey If it was'nt for the MC's i would of tryed this when i was younger, but its supposed to be the biggest shit hole ever?
From what I could make out, the inside did seem to be crumbling. The seating (of which there seemed to be lots of) consisted of doctor waiting room style seats facing each other, and some big black sets of steps upstairs. :spangled: Outside also looks like a shithole. Both entrance doors smashed in. It's impossible to hear what the MC's say in there. Must be shite accoustics or something. It could be quite a good nightclub (lots of space to dance, lots of lazers etc), but just has a really bad reputation, but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I thought the average age would of been 16/17 with you only having to be 16 to get in, but most people looked late teens, early twenties.
Been to Liquid, been to Sunderland but never got the idea of going to the Monkey! Heard one of the rooms is like a snooker hall when you go in from all the :chill:, would you go again mate?
I dunno. Hardly ever go to Sunderland but if I was pissed and chucking out time was fast approaching, I would be tempted (I always get great ideas when pissed ) If I was anything other than totally mortal, then I would probably be sensible and decide against going. Would say its 80% lads, so not much fun to be had but I wouldn't try anything on with the tramps in there anyway.
lol! no nice birds there?..... Daft question? Did you stay till the end? I sometimes get daft ideas when im pissed... but stuff like walkin home and trying to run past speed camera's and set them off..... Did you not think Liquid was a nice club though?
Left at about 4:30. Mate was knackered so left early. Feet were starting to kill aswell (bleeding toe nails ) . Dancing in big dress shoes is no fun. I was pissed so can't remember too much of Liquid. It was nice inside, lots of seating, nice decor (liked the opticlas on the dancfloor, even though dancefloor seemed quite small). Drinks were a rip off! £3.80 I think, but I suppose you pay that in most nightclubs now. Main problem was the music policy (Blu-Bambu style). I detest stuff like 50-Cent etc. Music turned to cheesy old-skool at about 12:30 (MC Hammer, Proclaimers, Wham etc), which was a bit more fun (especially my crap attempt at the Hammer dance).
dodgy's daft ideas when pissed: 1. Newcastle to Ponteland isn't that far to walk in Doc Martens 2. Being naked in the middle of a city is great 3. Being naked, standing on top of a phonebox, singing rugby songs in the middle of a city is great 4. Pissing down 20 flights of stairs is fun 5. Chocolate is nice sprinkled on salad cream 6. Drinking day-old puke from a bin is a great way to raise money for charity 7. Cow-tipping 8. She's attractive 9. He's attractive (only kidding) 10. I'm attractive lol: ) I alcohol
Might take my digi cam to the next Quality and during walk home 'accidently' make the flash go off when cars drive past.:evil:
LMAO.... mint! See the break lights get slam'd on! Yeah the drink prices are way too high in Liquid, For the price of 2 bottles you can get eight cans! Easy spend £60 - £70 when i go to Sunderland :evil: