Fat cats We have made all our production and performance targets for the year and the company is rewarding all the staff with a free canteen dinner for all the hard work whilst the senior management team get there healthy Xmas bonuses. Fucking stinks to the core but it's the way of the word I suppose.
tis a fucking disgrace amte...at bt if the advisers don't do their job properly we get sacked...if a fat cat does there job incorrectly they get a pat on the back & a healthy pay off!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
The guy thinks he's a budding Jamie Oliver, he's a knob. He should stick to the traditionals, getting off the point a bit though Fat cat wanks.
lmao!! that we were...i fucking hate fat cats...they're a fucking disgrace... our call centre director is so concerned bout what the advisers mite say to them cos morale is so low after the dirty trick they played on us that they won't let them come to our site!!!!
dunno bout signing up for the revolution but i'd defo play a game called 'lets all shoot the fat cats' :evil:
not all company directors are inherently evil (although i admit there are a few bad ones out there), some of them actually care about the communities they work within and spend massive amounts of their own time & funds investing in the future of those communities. i was at the TTE (teesside training enterprise) awards dinner last night and pleasantly suprised to see how much the se called fat cats on Teesside are doing for our area. it is only the cunts that ever seem to get in the news though.
lol, how long before this board is placed under survelance as a hot bed for communist propoganda - keep up the good si Over your heads are waving, like banners The years of our great victories Lit by the sun of glorious battles In our songs your ways are celebrated Invincible and legendary Is the joy of victories experienced in battles Beloved dear Army Our motherland sends you a hailing song. You were born under the red flag In the awsome year 1918 You have always vanquished all your ennemies You have vanquished the fascist horde. The strengths of our army is unfathomable The flag of the Party leads to glory. In battles our Army is immortal Such as the soviet people is immortal.
don't shoot my dad he has worked so fucking hard all his life and still does...he has managed to get promoted from a saturday off job man to a managing director....dont shoot him :evil: actually he's a good big wig....takes his employees paintballing and formula one racing can he be spared ruth?
There was a poster/banner hanging up out side the canteen with a control chart showing the upward trend of our production moves by the targets and the senior management team had all signed/autographed it. I think Jimmy Nail has already been added
like I told you, I'm recruiting for my glo-stick wielding, spiky haired, dayglo, cyber people's army ready to storm buck house at my command Jimmy's gonna be my trusty lieutenant
Ruth, we've had our bonus took from us and we're back on contingency for the time being, right before Xmas aswell, i'm sick as fuck:evil: