Did anyone see ???? Cheryl Tweedy on the Frank Skinner show last night?, if so how do you think she came across and do you think its right she is still being employed by the band ? I for one found the whole thing a bit strange !!!!
i don't think she was guna cry, she just looked really uncomfortable when skinner was probing her about it. she just looked scared about what she can and can't say. she did herself a few favours last night i thnk she also made a very good point about ulrika johnson too. fair play to her, she was a dick and made a mistake, don't think she should be chucked out the band! she was found not guilty of racism.
I just thought it was a bit weird peopleclapping her after what she had done to that womans face over some lollipops !!!
Agreed, the point about Ulrika was very good, who is she to judge. It was a good interview, I like Frank Skinner, he asks the right questions to his guests but not in an intruding way
Read in the paper that Girls Aloud only get paid £80 a week each, that they have to pay for the flat there renting, that they only get 6p per single sold and their record company have paid for there singles and videos etc which they will eventually have to pay for themselves. All a bit of a con if you ask me not surprised that lass walked out when she read the contract.
I thought she came across v.well, Ulrika Johnson has no right to call anyone really when she is just a celebrity bike Skinner grilled Tweedy but she took it all well even if she probably didnt expect half of the questions she got !
I'll watch or tape the repeat at the weekend as I was snoring loudly by 10.30 last night. Don't like any of them though.
Of that there is no doubt, anyone else hear the rumour about her enjoynig a night of passion with both Dyer and Bramble, lucky sods !!!
defo, he makes light of important stuff too (in a good way) just to make the guests feel more comfortable. he can be well funny at times. did you see when he had matthew kelly on??