Kids on porn Did anybody see this TV programme on channel 4 last night ?? I could not believe what i was hearing kids talking about having anal sex when they where eleven, i am never having a daughter like, with a lad you have to worry about one cock with a girl you have to worry about thousands !!!!
Yea I saw this, and yea how shocking was it when that boy was on about anal sex that young??? "I took her back to my house, she got undressed and I said 'Can I take you up the arse?' she said 'no' and went home' 'How old were you when this happened?' 'Er I lost my virginity at 10 and tried to have anal sex at 11' and that dad that brought his son a porn mag for his birthday, im not sure thats a good thing to do!!
i'm glad i didn't watch ti or i wud've been tutting from here to knigdom come!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
It was very very interesting in many respects and shows why this country has such a high teenage pregnancy rate, when kids are saying they learn there sex education off the internet that cannot be a good thing, surely schools need to revise there aproach on teaching kids about this very important issue. I did laugh when that kid starting asking his dad if he looked for porn on the net and eventually got it out of him.
haha yea that was well funny!!! 'No, you didn't answer my question - DO YOU SEARCH FOR PORN ON THE NET?' 'er..... sometimes' haha his mum made me laugh too, she was well naive about it all 'what do they have in hardcore porn that you dont see on TV?' lol
That 15 year old kid who had been downloading porn for a couple of years was well funny, the way he thought the porn vid he was watching was actually real and that they had actually stopped some lass in the street was hilarious even if it was a little distrubing a times.
I thought it was well funny. All the lads thinking that lasses they slept with would be disappointed cos they couldnt last as long as porn stars and their dicks weren't as big. They all said they wouldnt want a girlfriend who had watched porn cos they were worried about it
They where well funny, i think they may struggle to get girlfriends anyway if there chat up lines consist of standing ontop of hills and chanting "get your tits out for the lads" hahahahaha
It was funny when that kid was saying 'Women dont play with themselves!! what girl do you know plays with herself? in these porn films they put dildos up themselves, that doesn't happen!!' haha