lol!!! alrite ma dear hehe!! am gonna try n flyer ma lil heart out the week of the next quality if i can get the hours so hopefully i'll be able to come join u on the 11th!! god man so bloody sick ov bin skint like!!! hate bin a mingin lil student xxx
u need to go.. not only cos ur good company... but I need somewhere to get changed You could save money by not going to all these ghastly pikey nights u go 2
if ur that skint ive forwarded sumthin to ur email, u *might* be interested in.. +were lookin for girls @55... if u can lower urself to work behind a bar
av replied ma love!! wud quite like to be a lil bar girl providing theres lotsa nice boys (lol!!) /men that are goin to be attending this bar im sure i'd quite enjoy it!! hav pmed ya back only problem is tho i'd be goin home 4 2 wks ova xmas dya think they'd mind me doin that...??!! xxxx
lol sure u wuld dear... check agen.. parently theres only a few girls workin there an they really really need girls to work... xmas thing is fine
u got the numba hun am gonna retreat home now from evil uni bin working far too hard just dont know what ma life has come to, me sat in a friggin library on a fri nite this is only abou tma 3rd friday nite in eva since i've bin about 15 god poor lil me ey lol!! xxxx
Re: Who the fuck is les? I imagine him as being this fat baldy sweaty old man with 7 kids in a minging housing estate! Dunno why tho :spangled: Sorry les, dont mean anything by it!!! :groovy:
nah mate - you have me and les the wrong way around "Les" doesnt put across the funky vibes eh..... sounds like Les Dawson
That is very similar to what I was thinking actually, but with more sweat and grease, less hair. Erugh, this is vile.