Flyers for NYD ? Daves name isnt on ? Was it meant to be cos i thought he was playing the boat on New Years Day thats all !
daves def still playin but it was on the first set ov flyers but not the next lot of em all hes still def playin tho think hes spoken to mark bout it n hes def still on it was just a printing error thing i fink!! xxxx talking of the flyers/posters cant believe adams in the small print like!! whats that all about...??!! xxx
hmmmm i dunno then..fink he was on some but then not on others but mistake...mebs its all sorted now!! xxx
ffs. Jimmy > what's the name on the flip of Joshua Ryan - Pistol whip, it's been annoying me since you played it.
Its another mix of Pistolwhip, I think its the Ariel remix Theres also a mix by James Holden and another mix available
i know jeffery ma dear but theres only 3 djs in small print n hes one of em n just thought he wud mebbes hav bin in bigger print!! u still goin to that pgr thing on sunday me n joe r def goin!!! xxx
fink i've got one sumwhere in ma room vaugely recall been given one on friday!!! xxxx why jeff u got sumone else u gonna take as ur date :evil: lol!!!! xxx