if you liked star wars kid...... ...then you should like this..... some young lad decides to film his attempt at a music vid...and his so-called mates decide to put it on the net.... http://home.powertech.no/nowfree/upload/OMFG.wmv
I reckon darude8000 would be exactly the same in his strange lil mind of his!! Wouldn't be suprised if it actually was him!
aww what a shame....the song aint actually as bad as the shit in the charts usually lol....if he looked a bit cooler people would buy it!!
You must be 'avin a bubble! The others n his school will have crucified him for that! The kid has issues, 10 years time he will be on primetime news for the wrong reasons, I guarantee it!
????? I'd thought some of you would have a little sympathy being the ones people usually point and laugh at Everyone has fantasies as kids and I'm sure if I'd of had a video camera as a child I'd of made some super fly blinged out rap videos... he's not a psycho, sicko, weirdo, just a normal ginger kid. and helz hit the nail on the head - this is no worse than the shit in the charts - he can't hit his notes, sings out his nose and dances like a girl.... all key ingrediants to being in a boy band.
I have sympathy... but only cos he will be getting mullered by the 'big kids' in his school, being board bully should have taught ya that! Fair enough, me n my my mates ran around with a video camera and did some pretty cringeworthy stuff, so I do see ya point. But we never had the intention of anyone we didn't want to, to see the vids we made, let alone put them on the internet for all to see! IMO the video is hilarious and yeah its naff, i say release the video, get him on TOTP and he may just release the young ginger underdog in us all!
Wonder if he will release this now 4 christmas can't be any worse then Fast Food Rockers or The Shitty Fucking Darkness!. Good Luck Transa hope some 1 signs u