theres just a lot of ben walker (who?) jock riding. orbital will eb shit... its good to agree with for once
tis miss hayleys b'day that day and i v.much doubt stonelove wud be her cuppa tea!!!ya neva know tho...!!xxx anyways joe u've double booked urself thought u were spending the nite with us lot...??!!xxx
the b'days thursday but the meal was meant to be tuesday but thats scrapped n we're goin out thursday instead!! i'll ring n let ya know the plans tho when i find out 4 def!!! xxx
she was on about baja that okay with u ma dear...??!! lol only joking cant ever see hayley picking that as her fav destination!! probs just 4 a meal then drinks in sum nice bars but will let ya know when i find out from her 4 def!! xxx
Its just phil hartnol DJing isnt it..... as someone said 'cant mix' t-shirts were designed for him, saw him at the tribal and he was shocking although his tunes are good