Xmas travel yay, just packing, then i'm off home for chrimbo, been in boro since the 2nd of sept need to get away spend a couple of days in belfast with my girlfriend then off home to portrush and the super club that is LuSh anyways, hope you all have a nice xmas, and i'm sure i'll see some of you in the new year Nige ( don't get too mashed this holiday season )
i'm gonig to be a good girl these hols...poss a few friendly dranks but thats bout it!!! no clubbing for me either!
I've been to Port Rush for a New years bash...was about...of God, approx six years ago! Me mate, "Irish Dave" - gettit - parents were away and we were to stay at his, bearing in mind that the folks were millionaires we were lookin forward to stayin in a massive lush house:groovy: only to get there and find that next door were under firm instructions not to let us in Real horrorshow Still had a good time mind, on the lash un'all
Driving up saturday morning from surrey... I shudder to think what the M25 is gonna be like then :spangled: Cant wait to get back in newcastle and see the young girls walking around in mini skirts down northumberland street at 10am with frost everywhere
goin home for the first time in a year on christmas eve for a few days.. nearly dropped in after gkgg, but soon saw sense :spangled: back on 28th cos of this bastard dissertation tho.. grrrr... should be a nice change to see some countryside an trees instead of concrete newcastle everyday... not lookin forward to the 6 hour train/car journey mind
im coming home on fri!! whoop whoop!....cant wait to see me family nd friends!! gotta be back at uni on the 4th tho, ready for a 2 week placement in schools starting on the 5th, grrrr!...not a long enough holiday!! xx