loans going towards payin off some of my credit card debt so nopey dopey... plus its exam week for all of us who dont do bsc (hons) advanced paintbrush..
Went to smile for the first time last week, never seen so many fights inside/outside foundation before. There must have been about 2/3 in the club and more outside, ended up with 2 riot vans and loads of police cars turning up....was a good night thats what u get with £1 a drink night and a backroom full of attitude!! unfortualty i wont be out till next pay day
yeah, and its worse in the back room where they play rnb/hip hop, its full of little hippty hoppers full of attitude there the ones kicking off with each other all over the place
Went to smile last night and am seriously suffering for it now.........I feel sooooooooooooooooo sick!
tom u knob... we get to use paint-spill next week. ive got my final project hand-in on the 20th as well.... someone has to be going.. or its bambu with the troops