Whats on!?... ...wheres it gone - am i allowed to put a thread up in mission control about a night outside the area?
yeah, so long as it ain't on the same night as promise or quality etc http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22475
Dont quote me on this but I think...... You can post about a night that is on outside of the area as long as it isn't on a Friday or clash/threaten Promise/Quality in any way....
Which was why the whats on forum was started in the first place. It also had the same rules. :spangled:
im lost off with all these rules on posting on different nites etc. all i know is if i want to post about a nite which would rival promise or quality i cant do it.
not really much to get lost off on mate...if the night you are "thinking" about posting about could harm promise/quality in any kind of way...it isnt allowed
Does Feb's Goodgreef @ TT clash with the same weekend that Promise is on then? Because the goodgreef thread has been deleted? Just wondering.