did look very corny... another 'top gun' style vehicle to carry mr cruise even further into phenomenal richness. but if there's good ninjas and mr pike says so - i might give it a whirl.
I saw this a few weeks ago.. brilliant film. I thought it was slightly slow but I supose it had to be.. Go see it!
canny film but Billy Connellys Irish accent is broad scottish so why didnt they just make his character scottish
Excellent film a martial arts film with good acting(for once)!!! you cant go wrong tho the early Jackie Chan films still rule
it contains the most unlikely love story iv ever witness on screen! Tom Cruise to Jap Chick :- "Hi, Iv just killed your husband! Fancy a shag?"
Going to the pictures tonight. He wants to go n see it, but i want to see love actually! Im in the mood for a girly chick flick!