jobs in ibiza!!! rite ma darlins im just kinda wanting sum advice here i know its all super early but me n the luvli elinor av decided to go ova n work in good old ibiza ova the summer 4 the 1st time hav decided to hav ma last summer ov madness before i grown up and turn into a propa adult and get ma first teaching job and basically my life ends, so anyways we're def gonna go and work ova there but i was avin a good think about jobs and i cant reeli think ov anythink apart from flyering and bar work!! dont wanna work behind a bar and wudnt mind sumthink a bit betta than flyering although i aint slating that cos i do it lots now but gonna try and sweetheart a few individuals to mebbes get ma a job working 4 certain nites but cant reeli think ov any jobs that there wud be apart from bar work and flyering and aw yeah podium dancing but im the worlds worst dancer so i cant see that sumhow lol!! so just thougt i'd ask u lot who've mebbes worked ova there usrelves...??!! any ideas kiddies...??!! xxx
have you spoken to sasha/sharon?? there a few peeps i work with that might be able to sort something out for yas... door whore? ill ave a word!
yeah i saw her on sat nite n got her new numba think im gonna giv her a ring afta next week when i've fin ma placement n she said she was gonna pop round!!! i know its only early but im havin a propa stress bout it cos love to be super organised in everythink i do n just wanna get a job n sumwhere to stay rite now lol although sumhow i just dont see that happenin 4 a good few months!! just wanna try n get a class job though although me can see that bin highly unlikely!! xxx
Why not have a think about working in a hotel, like doing the kiddies clubs etc, would look good on your CV as well for when you apply for ya teaching job.
yeah thats a dead good idea cheers darl, only thing is tho the main reason why im goin there is the nitelife and theres no way i'd hav maself bin around the children when im hungover or chances r still drunk from the nite before cos just aint fair on them bless em!! s'pose at least if i did flyerin it wud be nice n easy!! xxx
ask uncle Jon, I know several PR manager types from Ibiza. I can put you in touch with a few folk in the know.
Mind I must point out it's not easy working out there, you can't use you passes till 3 or 4 in the morning, you work 7 days a week, the money is just enough to pay your rent and cover your food. I lost a stone in weight in 4 weeks. It's not the clubbing mecca most think it is. good fun though, some good people out there.
excellent cheers darl that wud be class!! fancy working 4 one ov the clubs/clubnites tho but want a goodish job but doubt i'd be able to get one!! but any people to get in touch with wud be excellent cheers!! just want a job which pays me enough to get by not bothered bout makin any profit or anythink!! and if i lost a stone tat would be an added bonus!! hav already started dieting to achieve the summer bikini body lol!! xxx
paint your body silver and stand naked next to "the egg" with a cup for donations Stand outside of clubs like a guy years ago used to selling imaginary friends for 2000 pesetas.....people used to buy them!!!! they would walk around dead chuffed with nowt on their hand and comparing imaginary friend with other people....he must have had a great summer!!! shag a promotor and get it all for nowt have fun! be good!
im bookin up for ibiza on monday and im gona book it up with a VERY VERY BIG SMILE ON MY FACE! rachel when u plannin on goin over?? il hire u to be my personal NAKED massager, its there if u want it! oh and me n wayne r cummin up tomorra, wot u lot up to tomorrow ???
Re: Re: jobs in ibiza!!! ya reckon..??!! was finkin bout that but i'd be propa gutted if he turned round n told me 2 bugger off although i totally dont think he would cos hes eva so nice!! and mozza- im workin 2nite doin data entry at the club n haylz said her n dave n spending the nite at asda lol cos they're skint n she has work in morning!! why dont ya's come 2 quality...?!!! xxx
Re: Re: Re: jobs in ibiza!!! i would email jules rachel!i'm sure he could sort you something out at judgement sunday!it was fergie that got sharon a job the ifrst time she went over!
Re: Re: Re: Re: jobs in ibiza!!! A PR job for Eden is one of the best paid jobs on the island. would be a good move Rach