File Sharing Looks like its gonna be clamped down upon. Discuss.
They (RIAA, BPI) are shitting it because they know they are losing the battle. I wont buy another CD ever, I also will not buy from any DRM music stores (such as Itunes) and I encourage everyone I talk to about this to do the same. We need a revolution and it needs to be broadcast in high quality, copy protection free loveliness!
how the fuck are they going to be able to track AND prosecute everyone? it's complete bollocks. There will be so many failed or thrown out cases it will be a joke, the courts should be dealing with serious crime. The music inductry should realise it's time to change how they do business - they're never going to be able to get rid of piracy now it's up to the scale it is. The honeymoon period is over.
They could make a good start by selling high bit rate mp3 at about £1 per track or about £6 for an album. I'd buy 'em at that price and only use file sharing for downloading mixes and I think there are 100'000s or people who would do the same.
a quid a track is nothing, even i'd pay that (1/4 scottish - 3/4 yorkshire) and £5 or £6 for an album is reasonable. Either way, they need to change the way/format they sell music. i must admit, i only download mixes and live set nowadays...
Apple have gotten it right with their itunes store - you can buy tracks for 99 cents each - thats a price im willing to pay if my hand was forced. Till then, its record companies who need to eventually realise that they will always be one step behind people who want their music for free. Theres going to be an eventual collapse or a dramatic reshuffle in the way the industry is ran i think - i earn a good salary but i refuse to pay 15 quid for a single cd, when i know it costs 8 quid full price in hong kong or america.
It's not the right idea because it sells DRM files which you might not be able to play in 20 years (if the format goes out of fashion). Imagine that music off Itunes is like buying a film on Betamax 15 years ago (not much use today is it?) I bet the manufacturers of betamax said you would always be able to buy players too but it doesn't always work out like that. The files need to be in a free format so the music we buy is ours for a lifetime.
There are more labels offering pay to download Bedrock,Yoshitoshi, Step in the right direction,surely more will follow
True - the drm issue is very valid, although the same could be said of tape, cd, dvd players - might not be around in 20 years either - although their formats arent "locked" yeah. DRM is the first step in the right direction in trying to secure the rights of the person who owns the track from actually being able to get money for their efforts... But its going to be hard balancing the "collectable" nature of music, with technological advances - We're already at the stage where we dont need multiple cd's, tapes, records these days - so how are we gonna advance but also allow people to collect music, but NOT allow them to freely pirate it. Pirating music is great when done against the likes of Columbia and Sony, its always fun to get something for free from huge corporations and their price cartels.... however only last year we had Airwave nearly giving up all his production work cause of the same reasons that people were just getting all his stuff for free and he wasnt making anything worth continuing to do it.... ... its a shame that the producers always get nothing it seems compared to the people who actually play their tunes. The whole issue is a tough cookie yep.