Bastard! how pissed off am i, just printed out all 39 pages of my dissertation body text, all looking good, until i notice that the numbers at the bottom of the page only printed out their tops, the rest is missing..........................cunt rant over*
Re: Bastard! bloody typical init!! been up since 7am yesterday - done a 2 hour exam, stood in the snow waitng for my cuntish bus to come for 40 odd minutes- got home and revised solidly for 10 hours for a 3 hour exam at 9.30am... and best of all? ive got flu.... :wiggle: happy fuckin dayze! :wiggle: good luck with the diss!!
Know how you feel bout exams n revision. Feel like I havnt got a minute to myself! Been revising 4 weeks, but last exam was yesterday. So Im celebrating this weekend.
in the days where there were no computers my mams mate had written out the 50 odd pages of her dissertation, was going to hand it in to the uni........took it in a big cardboard file, it was a windy day, the cardboard file flew away in the wind, opened,scattered all her work all over outside uni. on the last da you had to hand it in. gutter.