To settle a little hoo-ha! Was there ever a spaced pod in foundation? If you dont know what it was - it was a machine thingy what took photos of people. Sorry for starting a thread on the most boring subject.
yeah there was!! our joseph used to hav quite a lil fixation with it lol!! twas upstairs in one of the corners cant describe where exactly but there def was one!! xxx
it was at the top of the stairs next to the dj box, turn left, in the corner....i think? i dont think i ever saw it switched on tho....maybe that wasnt it lol
Gte the fucking lad with you a knife and fork ! It will help him eat his face..... Salt and Vinegar maybe too ??
thats cos i was about 16 there it was her thumb, those things were tricky to operate while pissed! she werent bad lookin if i remember rightly :groovy: :angel3:
there always used to be impromptu mini board meetups by it at when the board had just started. i remember meeting a whole load of board members near it circa feb 2002.