Come on 7 views and not 1 reply!! Are you all so busy at 11pm?! Or am I the only sad twat who has no-one online on msn to chat to?
I'm sitting drinking a can, smoking a spliff, watching rail cops on the tele and browsing the net all at the same time.
trying to revise for two more uni exams. Both of them are already failiures so not even the slightest bit of motivation. Should've worked last term
making a working sony mobile phone interface.. then some of that bluescreening bollox to make a video.. fed up!
...And i promise that next term im going to go to my lec's and start my essays when i should and do the reading i was set mmm hmm.
tell me about it! well, at least you dont turn up for 9:30 lectures the day before theyre on. im just sooo gutted about that. 3 xtra hours sleep i missed out on this morning of the s
See, whenever Im feeling down, ur always there to cheer me up! Hahahahahahahahaha! Only teasing hun! :angel2:
right im off, not staying here to have you pick on me:strop: only kidding. i am off but not coz your picking on me, just coz i dont like ya x