Seen the last 20 minutes, seemed quite funny! Was your dad actually on it, or just somebody who looks like him?
NO! Why does everybody think that's my fuckin dad?! If you only caught the last 20 mins you wont have seen/heard him. He wasn't on the camera much, mam said he wasn't allowed
Lol I'm jokin fella sorry, just everybody I've said that to has thought he was my dad Still, quality program
Was funny as fuck when he sacked the bosses wife! Some of the lines the cockney blokes were coming out with could of come straight from The Office.
yeah i seen it, not sure which one was your dad but i seen my mate lamby on it! Selling a Car is like making love to a beatiful woman!
exactly what i thought !!! u see the bit when he said" if u dont wanna suceed in this job then get out.. go on theres the door" !! haha straihgt out of David brents book and his little philosphical phrases... how can u sore like an eagle.. if ur flyin with turkeys !!! excellent !!
I thought they were an embarrassment to Newcastle. The people I've found since I moved down here, especially in work haven't been like that at all. They were lazy, un professional and the manager was a sexist plank of wood. It was funny though.
They backed up the clichéd Northern beer swilling yobo theory which I normally disagree with. The simple lad that had been out on the piss and all the managers attitudes stunk. I thought the London boss Judge Jules sound alike had some great ideas and a good attitude.
The sales team @ Shocking were "Nee cockney is going to come up ere & show us how its done" I also thought he had some good ideas