Hew Hew charva Crew ! I thought that with Dave Pearce bein on it would of attracted a canny few charva crews on Friday... but there seemed to be even less than there normally is. anyone else see this ?? or was it just me
I thought there were more than usual... saw some lad get fucked up by one... bust his nose and went into the bogs :spangled: Most of them necked enough beer and cowies to disappear after pearce!
Re: Hew Hew charva Crew ! Nah ur right mate - wasnt loads in at all. To be fair there isnt usually that many - most ppl just seem to look out for them for sum reason I dont look for them, they dont bother me, so no worries Was a class crowd - every1 was totally enjoying themselves! Top marks to all (apart from the moaning squad )
Think they hang in little crowds so if you happen to be near them for any long period of time you will think there is more than there is... definately was a good atmosphere and the charvs didn't hassel me i'm not gonna whinge... top night
yeah - totally. see thing is, as i say, i never even bother looking for them and have not been hassled once by any of them.... im not sure they even exist - maybe its just a myth
Oh they certainly exist... I work in Byker, how! If ya stick outta their way the usually don't bother anyone, occasionally they give a bit of mouth but rarely does it come to violence... I can't understand a word half of them say anyway so I just ignore 'em!
I thought there were loads. I was stone cold sober, so i probably noticed them all more then usual. They kept walking past me and touching my stomach as they waslked past!? very odd, and very annoying...
Charvers are usually the most friendly people you bump into at clubs - well the mdma enhanced ones are......... its the boozers you have to be wary of.
Very true... beer boys are the ones that go over top... i've noticed that they get too pissed and disappear at about 1.30 - 2... leaving a generally happier and more comfortable dancefloor!
agreed with that i know loads of people from the old shithole i grew up in (howdon) who like wearing all that henry loyd, stripey jumper bolloxs, but to be honest, when they go out clubbing they dont go out to get mortle drunk, they would rather be in the middle of the dancefloor going a bit mental. i think lots of people jump on the bandwagon and asume there all twats because sumbody else said they were see a stripey jumper in a decent club, chances are you will be fine, see one in a social club with nice cheap pints of lager and, if you dont know them, your fucked !