I am reading: The Writers Journey, by Chris Vogler It's about the third time I've read it and I learn something new every time. Top stuff!
Just finished Clive Barker - Coldheart Canyon. Beautifully perverted :evil: Just started Luke Rhinehart - The Dice Man. Well funny
i've not read a book that isn't related to my degree for a long time now. boo! hiss! for degrees that require massive amounts of journal and textbook reading. therefore technically the last book i read was: Selwyn's Law of Employment by Norman Selwyn and the last non-factual book would be the first harry potter book which i read well over a year ago now.
I nevere read but decided to read the Lord of the rings a few months back! Read it in a few weeks. Sheer class. Much better than the films.
Im reading 'the sexual life of Catherine M'....a book my flatmates mother bought her for christmas which is actually quite rude...but also has a lot of interesting perspectives in it. am also reading an anthology of world war two poetry...which i love