Re: Re: Dance Music Finder agreed i checked the website, it said the records i wanted were there, so i ordered them then i had to ring them up, turns out the order simply put me on a waiting list for them, could still be waiting now, and this was about dec 02 total shite
i got some needles off em bowt a year ago, got them after waitin ages and neither worked, fucking useless. never used them since :evil:
They are shit, most of the tunes on their site are out of stock anyway, I've tried to order from them loads with no joy.
Bollox so it wasn't just me having problems with them then. I ordered a record with them before christmas. The first time it turned up with a deep scratch on one side and dent in the other. I then had to wait three weeks whilst their 'returns manager' got back from holidays. They then sent another equally shite copy of the record. Having sent that one back they are now refusing to refund it and are only offering store credit as compensation :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Truly Shite & I thought HTFR were bad
goldie vs rabbit in the moon - inner city life Worse thing was it was meant to be a Xmas present Still found a descent copy of it on e-bay now.
Can they do that if its damaged goods?? I thought they had to refund you, unless you were aware of the damage at point of sale. Or are they saying it was damaged in the post??
Seems they can do it as its listed in their FAQ section. They've already replaced the damage record twice now. The second one was in equally shite condition. The worse thing was that it was one of those 'premier toons' press ups, not even the original. You'd have thought that if it was a cheap press up they would be fairly new, and not look like someone had been skateboarding on them.