i'm out for a few beers 2nite to say cheerio to a amte who's going to aus next week, then i'm working overtime tomorrow & then i sleep on sun b4 poss going climbing sunday afternoon/evening & then back to work overtime on mon!!!! YAY!!!
Playing Squash after work then tonite I will probably be going to the club with marely while he is at work! saturday Im shopping for clothes for my holiday only a week to go yeah! Then Sunday nowt! Probably pop aound Dan's (marley's mates)...........
Gutted Im missing Trees! But cant have everyhting much rather have my holiday a week in the sun If only I was rich and could afford both! In the Ideal world! Might try and get to Promise at teh end of the month the day before I go on holiday but I have to drive to Endinbugh the next day!
This is my exact weekend plan. Althought the second half of sunday will still probs be the afterparty. Cant wait for trees. Itchy feet tonite!
Same here, normally get sunday to recover from saturdays afterparty but not this weekend. Looks like its gonna be a messy monday then
Dont know many ppl off the board but will no doubt recognise ppl from promise down there. Theres 14 of us going down. Have fun.
work tonight... party afterwards.. off to birmingham 2moro morning then out all day there for my mates bday... get back for work on sunday night... then sleep
eeuurrrgghhh i would, in all honesty rather drink a pint ov my own voimt than go and see carl cox!! tonite goin down boro with all ma best mates from home, really excited cos i aint properly seen em since xmas!!! then 2morro off 2 tall trees 2 see shezza play!!! not too bothered bout the rest ov em, eddie seems to blow how n cold at the mo but i'll still be there on dancefloor throughout the duration ov his set!!!not lookin 4ward to seein fergie like, but goodgreef nites at tt are my favouritest nite ov the month along with the promise's!!! am sooo excited!!! havent looked 4ward to a nite like 4 ageeees!!! xxxx
aw shit tis mcdaids partee 2nite aint it!!! aaww man im always at home when he has em hav fun tho aawww wish i was comin now like!!! xxx
wanted to c carl Cox but cant afford Bulletproof 2nite instead... a room full of indie tryhards, woohoo! hope the booze is cheap!
Influence tongiht, then all day drinking sesh tomorrow with mates from Durham. Will probably end up somewhere like Blu Bambu