My house is going to turn into an ice box.... central heating has packed water pressure, and its leaking like a fat bitch's mouth when walking past the water has had to be turned off at the mains....that water, no shower Oh dear...its going to be bastard freezing when i get back 2nite!!
Re: Re: My house is going to turn into an ice box.... luving the optomism(sp?) unlucky man, get your hotwater bottle on the ready!
Re: My house is going to turn into an ice box.... i shouldn't laugh, but Sod's law it's gonna pack up in the middle of winter tho, just like my house alarm deciding to fcuk up at 4 in the mornin one time, it's always gonna be at the most inconvenient time:evil:
well I looked for my hot water bottle....and suprise suprise, couldnt find it! Incidently it wasnt that cold....i wore loads to bed! Bit chilly now tho, and the guy cant get here to fix it cos of the snow Might just but a bucket under the boiler....and switch it back on long enuff to get a bath
i wud if u was u just keep an eye on it in case it gets worse... this also gives u an excuse to hav eloads of cups of tes which should always b accompanied by biccies!!!
if its just a steady drip put a bucket under it mate.. if its leaking from a connector then try and nip it up with some shifters... top the pressure back up to about 1.5bar mate and give it a blast. the pressure should hold long enough if the leak isnt too great.