he looks like he's in the middle of a game of hide & seek with the other cats but they're hiding & he's seeking!!!
i hadn't thought about that And finaly here is Sasha. Even Spiderman was not safe from this terror of the North East.
poor spiderman is being humped & salem has just had a shock so bad he/she nearly had kittens...cute cats tho!
fuck me thats one scary looking cat!! they are all dead cute though, but i wouldnt wana pass that one in a dark alley!
i dont like cats, but kittens are ok! ive been brought up to hate cats, my dad has a pond with expensive fish in, so he hates cats, but kittens are amazing!
da bling bling bling bling bling....& that's not his bell amknig that noise fa snizzal me fizzel wizzel!!! :chill:
My mam and dad have 2 cats and have pond with fish and the cats have never tried to get them. they love catching mice and birds though
thing is, our fish cost about £250+ a shot, its not really worth risking it!!!!if a cat gets them my dad will fucking kill the cat, and i really really mean that!!!!
dunno like, we've had a couple go missing in the past, or just floating at the top of the pond R.I.P lil fishies!
My ex-dog (RIP Henry) had a rug with a picture of a dog on it, and it looked exactly like Henry! Maybe it's just a thing people buying rugs for their pets which look like them
normal names are best... mine are called meeperator, david romney pomney, loosie the lady and baby bee (or better known as devil cat, since he seems to posess characteristics of the big man himself!)