just to let everyone know.. I just drove my mams boyfriends dads (brothers sisters aunties ) MAZDA RX8.. 67 in 2nd
we eventually got there in the end!! cheers 4 the lift, had 2 b one of the funniest journeys to an after party
a wife down the streets just bought a bright yellow one, does look really nice, she will wreck it tho
women deserve to have better cars my mam has a nice car.......my dad drives a van thats the way ti should be too!!!
Which is fair enough, i just get jealous seeing youngun's driving flash motors! I'd love a van tho, they seem to be the fastest thing on the roads these days!
I cud probs get pretty much that in mine Only got 130mph out of it but that was cos I got scared Need a newer (FASTER) one tho