Dream job... Just had a phone call telling me i have an interview on thursday at an estate agents.....which is my dream job wish me luck every1....i hope i dont fuck it up
Well odne Kerry for getting the interview, and good luck You have to wish me luck as well, i have an interview on friday.
hahahaha, we will no longer be bums together good luck hun! im so chuffed about this, hadnded my CV in a few weeks ago but hadnt heard anything back, then was woke up by a voice mail saying they wanted me in for an interview! i so so want to be an estate agent, have done for ages, so i hope it goes well!! wheres your interview?
Good luck kerry! I see you managed to get up today then! And good luck sarah too! You will both be fine!
I was just about to say - no more sitting in the house on our arses all day. It's for administration, just an informal thing, but hopefully they will offer me what i want - if not i will look elseware.
just got out of bed only got up coz my phone kept making noises coz i had a voice mail, would still be in the land of nod now if it wasnt for that, lol!
I always get up early cos i get woken up by my mam going to work and my brother - he always puts his fucking music on full blast - got no consideration for me still in bed:evil:
im being a bit nocturnal at the moment, going to bed at 5am and getting up.....well, now! might aswell make the most of it while i can tho!
I got woken up by tom phoning me asking if i'm coming to our 3 o'clock lecture... my bed was so warm too!
i love my bed soooo much, i find it extremley hard to get out of it to be honest, unless i know i have to!
Same here... but now I have to go to a lecture talking about energy and the environment... that will put me too sleep
Imagine having to get out of bed on a sat morninf, 6:30 after clubbing - and its freezing cold outside! I cant wait to quit weekends at the holiday inn!
Re: Dream job... Just be warned can be worst job in the world at times, people get very stressed out when selling house and the agent is the first one to get it, but I love the job so good luck.