was he one of the ones in the paper form last summer doin all the sex shows.....so u were a mistake then yeh??
nah sorry matey, stu was workin calverly street corner last nite so it wasnt my back entry this time kid i think i found ur dad as well, i recognised him of club reps last year, hes knockin around the bins of leeds now like! Here u go anyway, got a recent pic for ya...
LOL oh my god i cant stop laughing you've totally made my day !!!! but how come andy always gets brought into it?
Sorry stu bud, my mum aint a MILF! I mean come on if ur mates MILF mum looked like this, wouldnt u want her too???
i know my last link didnt work but check out andys lass! he guna hav her!! he's bin wanting it for weeks now off this one!! http://www.faceparty.com/member_zoom.asp?member_id=2350775&member_name=vicious_stu&img_id=5840488 clikc on the link, yes its my site, but thats and n his lass PINKY!!! wotta lukka!
is that the guy who was on the boat wit ya stu?....nd is that really his lass?...am confuzzled! lol ...suppose it doesnt take much tho! xx
hiya, yeah i am the guy from the boat, & no it aint my lass! Stu jus bein a twat wit me now, :argue: shes from leeds n wants me bad but she aint gettin it. To take the piss, they took a pic the other nite and now for sweet revenge has posted it with the help of my "good friend" :angel3: sasha!!! I think i said hello or summat to u on the boat when u went past me n stu. Dont remember much more than that NB TO EVERYONE... THE HIPPO FROM THE LAST PAGE IS NOT MY LASS!!!
jus asked me mum n she said my great gran stayed round last nite n mum stayed in the spare room...summat u wanna tell the world??? u aiming for the GILF rather than the MILF now u sick fuck!!! talkin of backs...she got a sharp set of nails on her that mum of urs, doesnt half like to drag em!