chris moyles anyone listen to his new show? had the misfortune to catch it this mornin 'its another true story' what a load of gash. hate it. fat moron.
Re: chris moyles Spot on... I can't bear him. One of them beer swillers who should have stuck to cracking lame jokes in working mens clubs.
got board with his patter about 4 years ago start show shout scream and call comedy dave "a moron"play shit tunes shout and scream get that john bloke on who copys peoples voices (was actualy pretty funny when he was doing pete tong and talking to the real pete tong, but only the very 1st time not the next 218723642378 times) talk bollocks shout and scream at dave again few more shit tunes end has it changed much??
i used to love him four-ish years ago, then i went off him a bit.. i hadn't listened to him for ages until the other day when i had left my radio on over night and it woke me up in the morning; it just wasn't the same but not awful, although, naturally, he plays playlist stuff.. i also remember him saying he used to go to majestyk nightclub in leeds so he must have been a proper scally:tut:
totally... altho i have been there a few times in my younger years i always used to like his show if it was on where i worked, it meant the day was nearly over! haven't seen his show for ages tho...
He's class. End of! Best thing on Radio One............altho that isn't saying much these days. I hope Colin and Edith get run over by a bus............twice!
i listened to him for the first time a cpl wks ago while on way to work, thought he was good, 2 days later amidst the sing-along jingles and borin features ended up realising he was shit are their any decent breakfast shows in the north east??? whats the options? Century - forever telling you `its gary and lisa at breakfast` Metro - pretty good if you wanna hear the same songs on repeat (should have never got rid of catboy) Galaxy - some common tart braggin how much cider she can down in one night north east radio aint lookin promisin IMO
Re: chris moyles No way Tom hes funny as Fu*k ...... come on admit it you listen to it everyday so really you must think hes funny ....... Just a little bit....
been listenin to Kiss FM lately over the net, seems quit could, play some good stuff, djs are upto much like,seems like its more about the music with them though
fooking hell like!!! i seriously worry about anyone who doesnt find him funny!!! he's the funniest man alive, he just speaks the truth n a lot of people cant handle that!!! he's the funniest person eva haha makes me worry bout some of u on here if ya's dont actually find him funny!!! tom u've gone down in my estimation ma dear!! he's the only thing that gets me up on a morning!!! betta than any of the other shit on all the commercial radio stations lol what a load of shit they are - galaxy wooo propa class crack on there like!! u bunch of bloody idiots i honestly cant believe that people wudnt find him funny!!! yes we're all entitled to our opinions but theres no way the words 'not', 'funny' and 'chris moyles' can be used in the same sentence!! he was class when me n gill met him at promise!!! he was funny as anythink!! i'd marry him me like, given half a chance!! not that it wud eva happen like!! xxx
i've bin listening to him eva since i can remember!! since i was about 15 year old and im now 21 thanks so hes hardly new to me!! please dont be patronising!