Yeah, they're huge eh? PORSCHE in massive writin over the boot. about the size of my wee car £35.000 plus VAT. ouch.
look nice! saw one yesterday... i was 'what the fuck is that'??? could find a pic to put up! Cheers Chute mate
saw one in the metro. fuckin ugly. porsche should stick to what they do best... by making something like that IMO they damage the sporting appeal of the porsche... eesh...
cannot say i'm a great fan of the design meself. reckon it'll do its job and be a fantastic drive but i think i agree wi spud, ugly car.
oh yeah, all the reviews i have read about it claim its a great drive considering it's size - and it's meant to be a fuckin rocket... but it's undenaibly PIG UGLY... By it's very nature it's gonna end up bein the school run / shopping car for mothers... but one that is the size and weight of a tank, and stupidly fucking fast... i see a few people bein mowed down by these things.
its the sexiest thing i have ever seen!!!!! phwoar! there was one parked in a car park in london, and one outside my work!!
spud agrees porsche should stick to sports cars... i think by makin a rocket powered 4x4 it devalues the brand... it'll sell well, without doubt, but regardless..
This car is ugly as fuck but it will (is already) sell like hot cakes which will give them a stack of cash to improve the boxter, 911 etc so it's gotta be a good thing.
Im undecided...first saw one of these last summer when it burnt past me at 120mph on the autobahn! hehe, but im not sure...i wudnt complain if i owned one but not overly keen on its looks, plus i bet it guzzles fuel like a tank!
Personally...think the new range rovers are better!!! Rover 01.jpg I gotta have one of these!!
Couple of Newcastle players have got them, there like shit off a stick when pulling away ! I have seen many an average car left behind at the traffic lights beside there training ground