Metrosexuals What are your opinions on metrosexuals? Are you a metrosexual? Personally not my style, but I appear to be in a minority, at least when it comes to intelligent men. Girls - do you like the metrosexual ideal, or prefer a traditional style, "manly" man? Not referring to a wife beater or a sexist here Fire away !
Gay acting straight man, basically. Someone who is "in touch whith their feminine side", in terms of their attitude towards their everyday lives ( as opposed to a man who is sensitive and caring but still masculine in traits and thoughts). Spose I should have put that in the first post
I think I prefer a manly man? However I dont haven anything against Metrosexuals just IMO I prefer a 'manly man@ as you put it! Not too ure why really? Dont get me wrong Metrosexuals are great to chat too and they totally understand us woman really well (as most men dont) BUt when it comes down to who I would prefer to be in a realstionship with it would be the 'manly man' Even if he doesnt alweays understand why Im always having ago at something I know he is what I want!
anyone who uses the term metrosexual deserves to be stamped into the fucking ground!!!! its the gayest buzz word ever.
Re: Metrosexuals uve been reading far to many trashy broadsheets who have fa to fill their pages apart from this trash! that or that or 'bella'.... 'yuppie'
quite like camp type boys!! not for boyfriends but just prefer em to lads that think they're "all big n 'ard" practically every boy in the world has a gay side to them anyways!!! me n the girlies have had this conversation on several occasions and betwen about three ov us we cudnt think ov a single lad we've met thru clubbing that hasnt got even a tiny bit of campness to em!! not a bad thing tho not by any means!! apart from when u wudnt mind finding a boy to fancy thru the world of clubland...but thats an entirely different story!! xxx