i wonder... am i speaking some strange foreign language that noone has heard of or are people just plain ignorant & rude by not listening.... as part of the compliance we have to say at work...yup it is manadatory & if we don't say it we can get sacked we have to say this... to let you know that toher companies can provide you with internet services & associated products but i am only able to discuss bt prodicts & services with you, ok? i have had several ppl then ask me about other companies & have questioned the fact i am unable to talk to them about it!! FUCKING WANKERS! :evil: thank fook i finsih in an hour!
Like banging ur head off a brick wall?? :bang: Do you feel like some ppl just ring up toi start a fight??? I used to get that all the time. Losers
they appear to ahve nothing better to do with there time than top ring up on a sunday & have a go at bt...sad bastards... this bloke earlier was questioning the fact i am unable to tell him about the other companies who provide broadband... i pointed out that bt paid my wages & i was paid by them to know about their products...he then said well i know about other companies costs, so i said that's cos he wanted to know them...i had no reason to find out these costs & as bt didn't pay me to know other companies costs they hadn't trained me.... he seemed surprised at this for some reason! :bang: :bang: :lecture: :lecture: :computer: :computer:
Cos wen u get tossers ringin up for an argument, they dont expect u to throw something like that back in their face (simply explaining the facts) and then not arguing back with em pisses em off. Wot else can they say to that comeback???
I hate unintelligent people on the phone at work. What's worse is that we're covered by the Data Protection Act, meaning when I ring people, I can only speak to the patient, and can't let anybody else know who I am. You always get the "But I'm his wife...", or "But my husband won't take any phone calls unless you tell me who it is". Ok, no worries, he can just wait another month for an appointment. You get the odd "But I can't wait that long!". "Yeah that's not my fault, there are actually no appointments before yours". Then they kick off. I've kicked off back before too, great fun
that compliance staement has nowt to do with sales patter...it's a matter of keeping your job or not if u don't say it...so the fbig cheeses say i have to say it so i conform & do!
The public are just daft .. I'm forever explaining to people that we can't speak to them because we are the solicitors acting on behalf of Northern Rock/North Tyneside Council (ie. the OTHER SIDE in the matter!!!) and they have to go through their own solicitors.. only for them to continue with exactly what they are saying, then shout at me for not being able to give them an answer.