Stress A lad who works in my office just shouted, and I quote " I FUCKING HATE THIS PLACE" picked up his coat, kicked his chair and walked out. must be getting to him
happened at our place once, one of the lads decided to tell the boss what he thought of her then explained what each section of the contract really meant! we got told "david is no longer working for the company" coz they didnt want us to find out what he'd said! then three of us quit on wed night, "the company is now up the creek" :clap:
Nice one hun... you show em! Just put a final letter of complaint in today about one of the members where I work... he's gonna be up the shitter now, all over a bacon sarnie!
He kicked off at me cos he was late for food orders... I had to put a letter in cos he's abused other staff before... serves the twat right!
sounds exactly like where i was in america - golf attracts some right pricks... they thought they owned us.. they pay your wages so u cant really argue tho! over there theres no framework (god ive been doin this diss for to long ) if anyone gives u shit... so u just deal with it! 'sorry im not jewish, so fuck! and by the state of you lot i dont think id want to be u miserable fucks' about summed up my attitudes for the c unts i worked for... (it was a jewish club/bar) they constantly nobbed on about how hard done to they where 'being jewish' then decided to throw abuse at everyone left right and centre who wasn't jewish... ive never met such a bunch of nasty, bitter people in my life.. GOLF - JUST SAY NO
All up their own fat arses... they come into the club and because they are with their little group of pals they all rise well above their station and think they are important and the world gives a shit. It really is like being at fucking school the way they spit their dummies out. Think you might get hassell for the jewish comments... but if thats the way they acted towards ya then you are fully justified... its their own fault and they sound like a right bunch of ****s. The only difference being you worked for a wealthy club whereas mine attracts all kinds, theres nothing worse than a working class hero who gets a bit of power. String the fuckers up
nail on the head.. dont think they appreciated it when i threw a pool party (in the clubs 'private' pool) and invited all the local hoodrats i was describing the people i worked for and the attitudes they had towards me and the staff.. the fact they where jewish is highly relevant cos of the nature of the shit they used to throw at us... but id say the same no matter what religion or group/club they belonged to if someone gave me abuse... when the day comes that ive got nothing better to do with my life and i think... "i know ill join a golf/country club" i hope someone pushes me under a bus on the way to sign up...
Bingo I wouldn't mind playing golf... its just the knobs that it attracts put me off. Don't get me wrong, there are a few decent people there but there is certainly an "ignorant majority". I've played one round of golf before but the cocks that try to hurry you and put you under pressure do my head in... its uncalled for... plus I was only 14 at the time, nice way to attract youngsters to the game. Clubs are gonna die out if thats their recruitment policy, and the way older members look down at new members is rediculous... I would feel so uncomfortable drinking in that bar for the first time. My dads a member where I work and he barely goes in cos he can't stand the current captain and his group of friends... they are so full of their own self importance its unreal. One good thing tho... I know gossip on so many people in my town, who's having affairs... the alcoholics... could come back to haunt people Besides... golf fashion is shit
It can be a stressful game too. I once wrapped my 3 wood round a tree and left it for the game behind to pick up and carry round the course mangled.