"Kick off" threads... BACK WITH A VENGANCE! After a quiet winter, free from massive arguments and other flame roasted topics and personal attacks,.... its good to see that Spring and Summer has started the hormones flowing and we're getting back to the "summer of love 2003" vibe.... Watch out for threads in the future with titles such as: "Who from the board do you wish would die in a car crash?" "Who do you hate the most on this board" "Boards biggest loser?" "Most arrogant person on the board" "<<insert controversial personal opinion here>> Do you agree?" (Guilty ) .... you get the picture. Watch this space
Yes, it's looking good. Joe is warming up in the curfew thread. I bet he could argue with himself in an empty room! He gets himself so wound up. Think he needs to seek help before he kills someone! Some more possible threads: Who is the most racist? Who is the board's worst DJ? Islam or Christianity?