Bar Beyond - Sunday Well done Pete!:worship: i had an absolutely class time...and from the looks of it, so did everyone else! the place was rocking and there was a wicked atmosphere....lots of smily ppl!! everyone had better get down there for the next was mint! Calabria Love Train
Thanx to everone!! Thanx for coming down Mike and Katie (Especially considering you both weren't even at Shindig!) :worship: That was one of the best sets I think I've ever played. Upstairs was rocking and the whole floor was vibrating!!! Woke up yesterday morning with Ringing in both of my ears tho and its killing me!! How well did The O'Jays 'Love Train' go down!! The manager was chuffed to bits with the turn out too!! and Sundays will be a regular thing from now on!
love train was mint.....i went crazy to calabria as well! i may not have been to shindig...but i had been to the bigg market lol... had a fab time....everyone was well up for it!
Re: Thanx to everone!! Especially considering the state I was in... I was twatted before even leaving the house to go to the green fest was absolutely mint tho'! Will try n come down this Sunday too, wreckedness permitting
Re: Bar Beyond - Sunday Agreed!!! Had a great nyt at bar beyond...first time i'd been and was very impressed!! Apart from the air con like....was fookin boilin!!:fuming:
Thought bar Beyong was canny good but was in a bit of a state cos I hadnt been to sleep from Magna and spent most of the night cabbaged in a chair I'll defo give it a try another time tho, when I'm not as wrecked.
You looked so tired hun...but bless u 4 still gettin up and dancin....why on earth were u wearin such a large tshirt tho?? was nice to c ya'll again
I came out without a t-shirt so I leant Grahams t-shirt cos I was cold. Although Graham had my jumper on that I leant him on sat so the sensible thing would have been to swap but must have been too wrecked to work this out