julesy!!! .....not long to go now yippeee!!! infact its only about a month until he's on!!! is anyone else excited bout this too??!! sorry i just thought that seen as he's on the new flyer that i would be allowed 2 start goin on about him hee hee im dead excited!!! all nice comments about him on this thread please!!! xxx and me dont want no nasty ones !! xx
I think i might have to come out for that... if i can afford it! Sounds pretty good tho jules and richard tulip...
dont fink i will be there like. jules aint my cup of tea anymore (not dissing him...please dont kick me rachel ) no doubt i will end up there...but i dont plan on going.....!
Im still undecided on this one, the only thing stopping me is I think that will be a repeat of the birthday with how full it will be due to how well known commercially he is. The main reason I want to go isnt to see Jules, but to watch Rachel's face all night, dont think it will be possible to witness so much happiness from one person anywhere else
lol..yeah...i imagine rachel's face will be picture....ive never known sum1 to get so excited over a DJ before....mint...absolutely mint!!!!! sum1 need to arrange it so she can get into the DJ box n meet jules... kez hun cant u ave a word wif sum1??? i imagine it wud make rachel VERY VERY happy
Would go, coz I think hes a good DJ!! But I cant coz im no longer here unless... i come up from london, which i might just have to!!
Hmmmm not a chance ill be goin for Jules Not that i dont like him - in fact far from it - ya can guarentee the clubs gonna be rammed to fuck cant ya - not only will the Que end @ Chase too the crowds gonna be totally different too - not my cuppa tea like - as much as i like him as a DJ and always think that he should be given a chance on this occasion i shall not be goin
Re: julesy!!! Rach> I'm there wif u hun...cant wait!!!! Haven't seen Jules since NYE, longest since I started goin clubbin!!! And I dont care what peeps say I think he's mint and totally knows how to work the crowd!!!! Bring it on!!!!
Apparently some nice tunes have been popping up in his record box as of late, but there's always a high chance that you're going to get a shit set with Jules. And the crowds he gathers are shit too. I'll be giving this one a miss.
Sorry to be such a grump and i promise this will be my only post on this matter but heres my answer. No way. Shit crowd. Very average dj. Good opportunity for a week off.
I will deffo be there, I always get a huge cheesey grin when I see promise rammed full of people - its good to see the club doing well and despite not being the biggest julesy fan... I'd much rather listen to him than picotto or most proggie dj's
oh shut up have you not got a nice word to say about anyone or anything, from your recent contributions to the message board i think not. like my gran always used to say if u aint got anthing nice to say dont say anything at all. xxx
Re: julesy!!! Ya know my thoughts are all good ones for this thread rach...hopefully i can make it there!!
i'll b there deffo..... J U L E S!! long time fanatic since his days on kiss fm and his sets without footy updates or seb muttering on at the end... wkd... shud of saw my face light up when he came on @ the telewest and then i bolted 2 the front.. mental... xpect my face is a lot like rachels is when she sees him!!!! =P (oh yeh my mum and dad have had drinks wit him, my claim 2 fame!!! lame one i know!!)