Pete Robinson (Promise) Official Website Alright Everyone, just a quick thread to let you know my Website is finally FULLY complete and up & running! Its got my Diary, Current Top 10 (In no-particular order), Future Gigs and Photo Gallery too. Its artwork is based on my last Demo CD cover I made, for those of you that seen it. And The website was all masterfully 'Slapped Together' by TechnoOrgasms very own Fizz! (Cheers Mate your a star!) Just Click here and let me and Fizz know what you all think! Cheers!
who took that ^^^^? it's really well composed and the background adds a lot of texture to the pic, very good photography. Very nice site too, well laid out and eyecatching. Well done
I was a photographer in the RAF for 4 years and one of my work mates took it in Birmingham city centre! I'm a good looking bastard aren't I!
Ya fucker Smog! Ya fucker Smoggle!! Glad you's all like the Site! I shall be updating it regularly (Namely The Chart, Future gig listings and Diary) so keep checkin it every once in a while Hopefully get a few more 'Odd' looking photos up too!