why has Quality changed to a Promise nite? Why has Quality been dropped and been replaced with Promise but the same quality djs are on? example, Mark Maitland, Lisa Lashes, Yoji. Kerry James.
It hasnt been replaced by Promise, but the DJ's are playing under the Promise Hard name as far as I know.
haha its just everytime i come on here theres another what happened to quality thread, think they would have answered us by now if they wanted us to know exactly what happened
the ppl who are asking r all different so my guess is they just don't read the threads & then ask questions.... *note* all questions should be directed in the direction of question boy...it'll keep him busy & stop him asking us questions!
im not a fan of the Quality night but I love the Promise nites just wodering why they have had to use the quality djs in a promise nite, they cud of just kept it called quality.
Re: why has Quality changed to a Promise nite? qulaity has came to an end now...insted every so often there gonna be having 'promise hard' nites, with h/h djs! xx
if you notice its not taking over a promise night its on a different friday of the month, one that quailty used to be on, except ts now "promise hard" because quailty never drew in the amounts of numbers that promise did so they have cut down the amounts of nights they are doing with harder djs, you still get your 12+ promises a year
r right mate thought u were someone who loved hard house that was annoyed that their night had now gone lol no worries, i personally think it could be something to do with the name itself, promise it more established than quality was, i could be wrong and im not a one to whinge aslong as we keep getting good line-ups.