Ahead last Saturday Did anyboy go to Ahead in Sheffield? Really wanted to go but was too ill from friday Was there any flyers for future ahead nights
Me and Vin went. It was good, would have been better if i hadnt felt like shit all nite. Next ones on July 3rd line up is: Stanton Warriors Scott Bond Ben Lost Matthew Dekay John Askew Orkidea
yeah its scott bonds nite!! hav to c how much money i got but mite hav to make a trip down to next one!! sean u still got ya flat in sheffield over summer or u movin somewhere else??? *hint hint for all us lot to crash it*
Yeah I'm on placement till the end of August My new place only has a back yard tho so we wont be able to crash out on the grass this time
Yeah, dont think the stairs are as bad either Defo think i'm going to give the next one a go, been on the website and looks like their putting a lot of efforf into it. www.aheadmusic.com
has ur flatmate been ok since last time we went down? huffy twat storming out, you'd think blasting the decks in ur living room at 5am was a crime or something where'd you end up on monday????