Summer Whats everybodies plans for the summer then? People who arent going 2 ibiza what you's gettin up2 instead? People who are goin 2 ibiza what else r u doing ? Roll on summer :chill:
I, along with Ken, his bro Phil & his missus Jen going to St Petersberg & Moskow in Russia, then hop on the trans-mongolian where i come out in Beijing & then i'm going to Japan for 2 1/2 weeks.... i can't wait for this trip.....i get to go thru outer-mongolia on the train n stuff...& Russian vodka!
Ooh..I cant agree wiv u more on the smokin copious amounts of weed :chill: Grass on the the sun...... Where r my skins
i got an 'explore Japan' book for my birthday, there are some amazing looking things in there...theres shit loads of things i wanna c over for a start!
Ahh! My mum brought me back a lush bracelet from japan last time she was there...but its tiny! All the gurlies r dead tiny and skinny! Theres some lush stuff though, a lot of its quite tacky but its good though! And the places Tokyo..its just somewhere u need 2 go
yup tis called the trans-mongolian, it goes from Moskow to beijing via mongolia! have a look here: map click on the route map for moscow to beijing!
I have left my cup of tea on the other side of the room and i reaaaaaaallly cant be bothered 2 get up and get it...:yawn: