Robert Carey Williams @ Topman Just found out that Robert Carey Williams has designed the T-shirts for this year's Topman/Everyman campaign. Anybody know if they're any good, or are they just his designs on cheap, horrible, tacky Topman T-Shirts?
? I'm sure I didn't mind. Don't think I've had any Topman stuff for quite a while. Still doesn't answer my question either
allie i would not be wearing anything designed by robert carey williams unless i wanted men to touch my bum. please use this advice which ever way you see fit. edit: a typical robert carey williams design.
Shat it Allie you big mincer! There's nowt wrong with Topman clobber. Just cos it hasn't got some queers name stuck on the label doesn't make it cheap tacky and horrible
allie he is like the british j.p. gaultier, if you are a straight man and wear gaultier you have to expect to have your bum pinched by other men. same rule applies to robert carey williams.
Doesn't Orlando Bloom, amongst others, wear his stuff though? Decided against it anyway, and toward some Dirty Youth stuff
lol, load of shite I personally have better things to spend my money on than obscenly overpriced clothing. Makes no difference to the "idea" I have!
Word! You can walk down Northumberland street and spot everyone that's wearing a topman t-shirt coz they all wear the same one. Anyone see Have I Got News For You last night? It said that the Topman chief was quoted as saying the market for their suits is toward young people who probably need one for their appearance in court! How class!
The exact quote was that Topman's clothes are for "Hooligans buying a suit for their first court appearance..." It's affordable, high street 'fashion' really, isn't it. I just prefer to pay a little extra for stuff that's properly made
Chris... edit: a typical robert carey williams design. I'd wear that on holiday