i'm very jealous... a lad from the team next door to me is going to the chilli peppers gig at hyde park on sun, so he' c james brown & the chilli's, he then goes to dublin to c the counting crows on tue nite & is then in glasgow for another gig the following week! :evil: it's jealousy in a good way tho cos how i wud love to b going on sun!
Lol my sis was working for something like that this week...she got burnt aswell...a hundred quid to work and do that Not bad really! She loves them aswell :worship: N.E.R.D were supporting them aswell...Pharell
Re: i'm very jealous... I went to see them last Sunday in Edinburgh, had a class time. N.E.R.D and Ash were the support acts, N.E.R.D. were crap and I missed Ash but I went to see them the Monday before so I wasn't too disappointed.
Re: i'm very jealous... They're the best band ever! Love there stuff. Their August and everything after album is the only music I can listen to and revise at the same time without being distracted.
Chilli Peppers = MTV stylee commercial pish flaps. £40 a ticket, better value getting £40 worth ah red, green and Sunday Peppers That's bad.
Re: Re: Re: i'm very jealous... omaha & a murder or one....if act sulivan street, rain man, mr jones, i cud list the album!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i'm very jealous... i'm at work an all! these mite not b in order round here omaha mr jones anna begins perfect blue building time & time again rain king raining in baltimore ghost train sullivan street murder of one there u go...i know they ain't in order but hey i'm not perfect!
"mtv stylee commercial"? u have got to be fukkin jokin!!! for a start when mtv started up in the early 80's, about the same time as the chillis formed, all mtv was for was promoting albums. justin timberlake is commercial, ian van dahl is commercial, the chillis are absolute legends! the original of under the bridge is one of the greatest songs eva written.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i'm very jealous... *takes a bow* why thankyou i love the crows! i'm now singing anna begins in my head!!!!
lmao! me mate tiff was just remindin me yesterday how, after they'd covered under the bridge, jamie theakston had to tell all saints what the song was actually about. "yes ladies, u've just released a song about a heroin addiction."