Helper Monkeys Many moons ago at an after party far far away, I had the bright idea of recruiting highly trained monkeys to 'assist' battered clu8bbers - making cups of Tea, skinning up, back rubs etc etc. Of course the idea never got off the ground largely due to me collapsing in a heap.. However looks like someone at that party put my ramblings into practice? I want one!!
hahaha!! davey wants us to get a helper monkey for our house! will av to check out the site! failing that he will settle for a pig or one of them inner selves off that advert!
just looked on the site... ...its a bit weird like init!! would we need to be disabled to get one too? hmmm
maybe if we agreed to sponsor two.. one could be put to good work helping disabled people.. the other one could run to the garage for skins for us when we're wrecked..
homer simpson gets one...its called mojo he gets it for his dad(only for the disabled and infeelbled) he asks to take it for a ride adn steals it.
personally i'd be all up for having a munkeh skin up a fat doobie :chill: (or 12) but then your munkeh would want to have a toke and eventually he'd become a little bogart and start turfwars with all the other munkehs and then the yardies would get involved. No munkeh will ever touch my stash.