This is what happened to me last time I drank absinthe. That was he nite arcane was on. Fell off a wall (minutes before walking into arcane), onto my back then onto my head. the cut on my head was about 3 inches long and very deep. I got massive concussion due to my head injury, and once I got home, I went to my GP cos my back was hurting, he saw the bruises on my back, sent me to hospital and turns out my kidneys had internal bleeding. Had to have a CT scan and spent two days in hospital. Funny thing is, the absinthe sorta acted like an aneasthetic, so I felt no pain at the time when i fell off the wall, and furthermore, the day after arcane i went up the hospital in fenham and they told me piss off.... apparently the 3 inch cut on my head that was gushing with blood wasnt serious enuff to warrant attention!! Here's the pic:
i dealt with the pain,hangover and comedown with a massive dose of THC. And i slept for pretty much 3 days straight.
Seems to me its something ur head could only handle once in a blue moon! Well done though, i probly wud have died