Actually at creamfeilds he told me he was gonna join the RAF But had to do studying first or something
Yeah, he told me he had to learn to read and write so he could fill in the form. He was in Evisa on the last bank holiday, he said he would be back at Promise soon....yey!
I watched a bit of it and was highly disturbed. The woman that lost her virginity to the dog then went on to say that she engaged in oral and penetrative sex with her pony stallion..... and then this dude came along who liked to get done up the ass by the same horse. What really freaked me out was that they said it as if it was something that was totally normal. Freaks, totally wrong.
i watched a bit of this, then fell asleep (long day/1st day at work) saw the bit about the man married to his pony, altho that seems to be the tamest part of the show! what worried me was the fact that they filmed him for jerry spinger, but it wasnt aired as it was, deemed to contriversial for jerry springer i mean, fucked up do u have to be for the jerry springer producers to say 'get the fuck out' the thing that really got me, wastnt that he was married to his horse, but the fact that where ever it was he was legal to be married to his horse. eugh *shudders* i even turn my back to my brodie dog when im changing...having sex wud b sick (and unfufilling - hes a cocker spaniel)
It was horrible, lol Tranced i know that bit was funny... And yeah the fact they thought it was all so normal? I just couldnt even believe they put that on channel 4, it just makes me feel ill thinking about! He was just kissing that bloody pony as if it was some sort of stunning page 3 model...he was like shes beautiful, shes just so lovely Its a fucking pony ffs! I dont get it. I just dont get it. I mean yeah u love animals and stuff..but NO no sex allowed u disgusting beastie people.