Debt Consollidation I got a £10 000 loan from Virgin about 8 months ago, I also have £2500 on a Virgin card I want shot of. I paying about £250 per month over 5 years, I want to add the two together so I only have one payment to make every month. £2500 over whats left of the term will only put my payments up a little bit. Any one know if it's too soon to ask saying as it's only been 8 months ? cheers
Re: Debt Consollidation I very much doubt it will cos if you settle after havin the loan only 1 week they make money on it, if youve had it 8 mths then they will have made something, i would expect theyd encourage it tbh
yeah they'll hav no problem wiv that, just don't ask them if u can do it, say u need to! otherwise they'll prob b knobs bout it
under the Credit Act 1974 yadayadayada they have to give you a redemption statement which is the figure you have to pay if you settle the loan within 10days or so.. go to or the and shop about for the best loans.
in a past life I had a shitty credit rating then I got a job as a mortgage advisor and picked bits and pieces up basically i don't earn enough to enjoy the lifestyle I want so I quickly learnt my stuff on credit rating, loans and credit cards.. stick it on the plastic